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Trademark Registration

We offer flat-fee trademark filing services by our experienced trademark attorneys. Our trademark registration service includes an expert opinion, application preparation and legal follow up.

Having prosecuted over 4,500 trademark applications, we are experienced in the methods used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in examining applications. Our professionally prepared applications ensure that our clients' marks register as fast as possible with few delays.

U.S. Federal Trademark Preparation and Filing



  • Drafting and filing of your trademark application
  • Consultation with an expert trademark attorney
  • Responding to non-substantive office actions
  • Notification of any office actions or USPTO inquiries

*Plus $275 USPTO Official Filing Fee

International Trademark Preparation and Filing

Almost all countries in the world register and protect trademarks. Each national or regional office maintains a Register of Trademarks. The effects of such a registration are, however, limited to the country.

Our firm maintains a network of international trademark correspondents and databases to clear and register your trademark property worldwide.

Our international services include the following benefits:

  • Follow-up reports via e-mail on the status of each and every mark pending.
  • Timely responses to clerical office actions included with initial registration fees.
  • Referrals to foreign attorneys should a litigation situation arise.
  • All lump sum prices already include disbursements, such as fax costs, courier costs, copies, digital photos, currency exchange, etc.
  • We take care of all the details such as foreign draft orders, legalization, notarization, etc. on your behalf.

Trademark Services and Fees: